Registration, Password & Log-in

This section covers…

1. Registration Help

2. Password and Log-in Help

  • CVtrumpet Site
  • Cover Letters, CV Kit and Interview Kit
  • Blank Screen on Log-in

3. De-activating your CV

1. Registration Help

Is your CV in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf)?

Our system only accepts CVs in these 3 formats, above.

Files made in other word processors need to be saved as a .doc, .docx or .rtf format. To do this, you would usually go to File > Save as, and then select “Word document” or “Rich text format” from the drop-down menu and save it. Once it is in this format it can be uploaded to CVtrumpet. For any additional help needed on changing your CV’s format you will need to view you word processor’s help section.

Have you pasted your CV into the text box?

Your CV will need to be pasted into the text box in order for registration to be completed. To do this, select all the text on your CV (Edit, Select All), copy the text (Edit, Copy), put the cursor into the CV text box (click anywhere in the CV text box), and then paste your CV into the text box (Edit, Paste)

Are cookies turned on?

Cookies are a small file store on your computer that stores information about you that allow you to access all features of the site. You may have trouble registering or logging in, if you have disabled cookies. Please enable them on your browser.

Have you entered all fields?

Please make sure you have filled in all fields correctly to make sure that the registration process can complete. If you miss out a field, you’ll get an error message pointing to it. Remember that in addition to filling in the field, you will also need to re-upload your CV.

I am having other problems when I try to register

To solve these you need to clear your cache and delete your cookies on your PC. In Internet Explorer, Go to Tools > Internet Options > Delete and then delete your Temporary Internet Files and Cookies. Then close down and re-open your browser and try again.

2. Password and Log-in Help

I need my username / password**

CVtrumpet site

For the CVtrumpet site, your username is the email address that you registered with. If you have forgotten your password, just use the “forgot password” feature on your log-in screen. Your details will be emailed to you right away.

Cover Letters, CV Kit or Interview Kit

For the cover letters, CV kit or interview kit, the log-in for these is different. With these, you need to click the link to “Register this eBook” and then choose a log-in name and password. Do not use an email address for these and only letters and numbers for your log-in and password. If you still have challenges after registering, register again and choose a basic log-in and password. You will only need to do this once.

I see a blank screen when I log-in, or have other log-in challenges

To solve these first close down your browser completely (e.g. Internet Explorer) and re-start it and log-in again, all should be well.

If you still have log-in challenges, you need to clear your cache and delete your cookies on your PC. In Internet Explorer, Go to Tools > Internet Options > Delete and then delete your Temporary Internet Files and Cookies. Then, re-start your browser and log-in again.

After attempting the above, if you still have challenges logging in or registering, you can put in a support request. Remember to include any error message, relevant links, and a detailed description of the challenge so that our technical team can replicate and solve the challenge for you.

3. De-activating your CV

If you wish to de-active your CV, just log-in go to the Update your Details section. Then, untick the “Make my CV Viewable” box. You can then easily re-activate your CV at any time. If you wish to completely remove your CV, just put in a support request.